Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Tips To Find Lost Dog

Losing your dog is a hard and stressful situation. Its just like, losing a family member. Maybe this tip I found would help.


I heard this would work. I hope you be reunited with your friend soon.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Its cold outside! Please bring your pets inside!

Here at Curbside Pets, LLC. we are puzzled. WE find it hard to understand why people would get a dog and not take of it! Or any animal! Are we as a human race that blinded by the fact that our animals are just that, animals! Don't get me wrong, there are some animals that we make as our pets that DO require to be outside. For example, a horse, pig or chickens. But even they need protection from the weather elements.
                                              There are many ways to keep our pets warm.

Now, don't get me wrong. I know plenty of people that keep their dogs or cats outside, no matter the weather. BUT, those people also provide some form of protection from the weather. Its the law! These days, let animal control find you mistreating an animal, and you too will learn that hard lesson. This is a story in the news today of a Dog Frozen to Ground that should shed some light on this situation.  

Its so simple to provide for your pet first before someone else has to FINE you or CONFISCATE the pet, before you realize you need to do better. These crimes are getting serious. So, lets provide some form of protection for them.

Remember to feed puppies 2x a day with high quality puppy food at least until there 6 months. And your adult pet, feed them EVERYDAY at least once (this does not include if your pet has special needs, like diabetes or cancer.) This is only a guideline and please speak with your pets' veterinarian. Keep them warm and safe, whether its inside or out. Lets provide a safe and happy home for all of our pets.

Please continue to follow us @, or  facebook

Monday, January 6, 2014 up and official!

Hello all. Just wanted to add that my biz Curbside Pets, LLC. is up and running.

I have worked hard day and night getting this biz put together. And still continue to work on it

every single day! Coming soon to share with you some of the important steps I had to take to

open my biz. I know, this is not a "how to start a biz website". I just wanted to share some interesting

obstacles that I went through so you wont have to. Here is a copy of my official opening ad.

Looks good. Hope I get TONS of responses from it!  thank you!